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Closet Clean Out

Closet Clean Out

90 minute virtual session

Do you have a closet full of clothes but feel like you never have anything to wear?

Let’s “shop your closet”! We’ll do an audit of what you already have. What pieces do you love, like, simply tolerate or are just taking up space? Our goal is to utilize what you already have to start curating some outfits. Chances are you have some hidden gems that when paired together, create a look you’ll love.

If we’ve done Style Identity together, we’ll also figure out how what you currently have can fit into your ideal wardrobe and looks.

Once we’ve done this virtual closet clean out, I’ll leave you with some suggestions on what you can buy to fill in any gaps, and leave you one step closer to your dream wardrobe.

How it works: 

1. After your purchase, you will be sent a link to book a day and time for the closet audit as well as a preparation guide. 

2. We'll meet virtually through Google Meet on the selected day and time with coffees in hand - ready to have fun with your wardrobe! 

Regular price $122.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $122.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
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